Canadian Interventional Pain Course (CIPC)
This course is held in parallel with the 2025 Canadian Pain Society (CPS) Annual Scientific Meeting
Program Chair: Dr. David Flamer, Dr. Abeer Alomari
Join us for Canadian Interventional Pain Course (CIPC), running alongside the Canadian Pain Society's 2025 Annual Scientific Meeting. This comprehensive 2-day course features expert-led didactic sessions on May 2 (Day 1) and a hands-on workshop on May 3 (Day 2), covering ultrasound-guided and fluoroscopy-guided procedures. Topics include spine interventions, nerve blocks, musculoskeletal injections, neuromodulation, radiofrequency ablation, and regenerative medicine.
For all registration information and event details, please see below.
Day 1 - Friday May 2, 2025
Venue: Women’s College Hospital- Main auditorium 77 Grenville Street, Toronto ON M5S 1B2
Registration on & Breakfast 0730-0830
Welcome Remarks
Course Directors: Dr. David Flamer and Dr. Abeer Alomari
0830 – 0840
Panel 1: All about the Spine – I
Algorithm for Diagnosis and Treatment for Pain in the neck
Dr. Ivan Cohen 0840 – 0900
Thoracic-mediated pain: Approach and interventional considerations
Dr. Harsha Shanthanna
0900 – 0920
Low Back Pain: Correla ng imaging findings with causality
Dr. Anuj Bhatia a
Fluoroscopic Guided Procedures for Lumbar Spine: TFESI, ILE, MBB
Dr. Ian Beauprie
0940 – 1000
Q & A
1000 – 1015
Coffee and Networking 1015 – 1045
Panel 2: All about the Spine – II
SIJ mediated Pain: Diagnosis and Interven ons
Dr. Mohan Radhakrishna
Opmizing Lumbar Radiofrequency Abla on: Anatomical Updates
Dr. Eldon Loh & John Tran
Pro-Con debate for Ultrasound-guidance for Lumbar Spine procedures to relieve pain
Dr. Rod Finlayson
Update: surgical referrals and decision making
Dr. Raj Rampersaud
Q & A
Lunch & Networking Time 1215-1315
Panel 3: All about the Joints
Shoulder interven ons: GHJ, ACJ, Hydrodila on for frozen shoulder, SSN block
Dr. Nimish Mi al 1315-1335
Hip interven ons: intra-ar cular, PENG block, GTPS injec ons, denerva on techniques
Dr. Abeer Alomari
Update: Regenera ve Medicine
Dr. Steven Helper
Q & A
Coffee and Networking 1430 – 1450
Panel 4: Specialty Topics
Update on headache management: medications and interventions
Dr. Aaron Kirschner
Update: Neuromodulation
Dr. Anuj Bhatia
Running an efficient chronic pain practice
Dr. Aarun Gupta
Q & A
Concluding Remarks and feedback
Day 2 - Saturday May 3, 2025
Venue: Mount Sinai Hospital- Surgical Skill lab 2nd floor
600 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1X5
0700 -0800 Breakfast with Faculty
0745-0800 Introduction and safety review
0800-0900 Rotation One
0900-100 Rotation Two
1000-1015 Coffee Break
1015-1115 Rotation Three
1115-1215 Rotation Four
1215-1315 Lunch
1315-1415 Rotation One
1415-1515 Rotation Two
1515-1530 Break
1530-1630 Rotation Three
1630-1730 Rotation Four
1730 Conclusion and Evaluations
Bundle A: Fluoroscopy Stations
Hands-on anatomy station (mandatory) AND choose 3 of 4
1. Lumbar Procedures - I: transforaminal epidural, interlaminar epidural, caudal
2. Lumbar procedures - II: medial branch block/radiofrequency ablation, lumbar sympathetic plexus injection
3. Sacral procedures: sacroiliac intra articular, sacral lateral branch block, sacral lateral branch RFA
4. Cancer procedures: ganglion impar, superior hypogastric plexus, splanchnic/celiac
Bundle B: Ultrasound Stations Choose 4 of 5 (one station will be a cadaver, others live models)
1. Peripheral nerve blocks –intercostal nerves, lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, stellate ganglion block, greater and lesser occipital block
2. MSK I: hip, greater trochanteric bursa, PENG block, knee, genicular nerve block
3. MSK II: glenohumeral joint, AC joint, suprascapular, rotator cuff interval, ankle joint
4. Spine: lumbar medial branch/facet joint, sacral lateral branch block, sacroiliac joint (cadaver)
5. Miscellaneous: erector spinae block, pudendal, piriformis, genitofemoral nerve, ilioinguinal/ iliohypogastric nerve.
*First come first served basis for station preference for both bundles
Course Directors: Dr. David Flamer and Dr. Abeer Alomari
Course Coordinator: Danielle Alvares
Please contact to register
Practicing physicians –
$2000 to a end both days, $800 to a end only day 1 (didactic session on May 2)
Trainees and Allied health –
$1000 to attend both days, $400 to a end only day 1 (didactic session on May 2)
Discounted rate if attendee is also registered for the CPS meeting:
Practicing physicians –
$1500 to attend both days, $600 to a end only day 1 (didactic session on May 2)
Trainees and Allied health –
$750 to attend both days, $300 to a end only day 1 (didactic session on May 2)