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Keyvan Karkouti

Lisa A. L Bahrey


Academic Position

Associate Professor

Staff Position

Staff Physician


Toronto General Hospital, UHN

Expertise and Academic Interests

Cardiac Programs
Transplantation Program
Hyperbaric Medicine


Dr. Bahrey is the Education Director, UHN-SHS Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management. She was the Postgraduate Program Director for the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine, University of Toronto from 2015-2021. Her academic roles in Medical Education include Coordinator of Undergraduate Education and Electives for the Department of Anesthesia at TGH (2001-2012), Coordinator of Postgraduate Education and Electives (2012-2015) and Chief Examiner for the Department of Anesthesia at the University of Toronto (2011-2015). Dr. Bahrey was a Member of the Examination Board for the Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Canada in Anesthesia for 6 years from 2009-2014 serving both the oral and written test committees. She currently continues her role as Surveyor for the Royal College Accreditation Committee and Member if the International Academy of Colleges of Anesthesiology (IACoA), Canadian Anesthesiology Representative, Royal College of Physician and Surgeons of Canada. Dr Bahrey completed her undergraduate training at McMaster University and returned to the University of Toronto for her Residency in Anesthesia. She completed a Fellowship in Cardiovascular Anesthesia, CVICU and Transesophageal Echocardiography at the Toronto General Hospital in 2000.

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