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Department of Anesthesia & Pain Management Logo
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Keyvan Karkouti

Natalie Clavel

MD, FRCPC, CHE, MHSc.(Health Administration), BSc.(Hons)

Academic Position

Assistant Professor

Staff Position

Staff Physician


Toronto Western Hospital, UHN
Women’s College Hospital

Expertise and Academic Interests

Consult and Pre-Admission Unit
Diversity and Wellness
Perioperative Care
Quality and Safety


Dr. Natalie Clavel completed her anesthesia residency training at the University of Ottawa in 2012. Natalie joined the Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management at Toronto Western Hospital in March 2014 as a clinician-teacher. In 2015, Natalie completed a Masters in Health Systems Research and Administration with the Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation (IHPME), at the University of Toronto. Her academic interests include: operating room efficiency, performance measurement, patient experience, physician wellness, and medical education.

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