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Department of Anesthesia & Pain Management Logo
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Keyvan Karkouti

Paul S. Tumber


Academic Position

Assistant Professor

Staff Position

Staff Physician


Toronto Western Hospital, UHN
Women’s College Hospital

Expertise and Academic Interests

Consult and Pre-Admission Unit
Pain Medicine
Perioperative Care
Regional Anesthesia
Quality and Safety


Dr. Tumber graduated with Great Distinction from the University of Saskatchewan. He then became certified in the practice of family medicine, followed by anesthesiology. He completed a multidisciplinary pain management fellowship at the University of Washington, Seattle and returned to Canada in September 2000 to work at the Toronto Western Hospital. He was the Director of the Acute Pain Service for ten years, and is currently the Director of Chronic Pain Education, and a Pain Management Consultant at UHN-SHS-WCH. He is also the medical director of the Transitional Pain Service at Toronto Western Hospital. His current interests include the use of pharmacotherapy for pain management, complex acute and chronic pain management, and ultrasound guided-interventional pain medicine.

Hobbies and Interest

Basketball, chess, travel, astronomy

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