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Keyvan Karkouti

Ronald B. George


Academic Position


Staff Position

Staff Physician


Sinai Health System

Expertise and Academic Interests

Obstetric Anesthesia


Dr. Ronald George is Professor & Director of Obstetric Anesthesiology at Mount Sinai Hospital in the University of Toronto. He is originally from Nova Scotia and spent more than 15 years at Dalhousie University, then most recently at UCSF in San Francisco. He was a Canadian Anesthesiologists’ Society Career Scientist Award recipient aimed at enhancing analgesia and anesthesia for women and high-risk pregnancies. His research areas are cesarean recovery and patient centred labor analgesia. He plays an active role in the #OBAnes global community serving the Society of Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology and CAS as their representative on the WFSA Obstetric Anesthesia Committee.

Hobbies and Interest

Wine enthusiast, Cycling, Photography

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