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Department of Anesthesia & Pain Management Logo
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Keyvan Karkouti

Tania Di Renna


Academic Position

Assistant Professor

Staff Position

Staff Physician


Toronto Western Hospital, UHN
Women’s College Hospital

Expertise and Academic Interests

Pain Medicine


Dr. Tania Di Renna, BSc., FRCPC., completed her medical school and Anesthesiology residency training in Ottawa. She obtained a chronic pain fellowship at St. Michael`s Hospital in Toronto and has spinal cord stimulation training from Montreal Neurological Institute. She is currently the Medical Director of the Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute (TAPMI). TAPMI is the comprehensive interdisciplinary academic pain program serving as the hub for chronic pain care in Toronto. She is also the Medical Director of the Chronic Pain Clinic at Women`s College Hospital and an Anesthesiologist at UHN. She served as the co-chair of the HQO Guidelines for Chronic Pain and co-chair of the Ontario Chronic Pain Network.

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