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Department of Anesthesia & Pain Management Logo

Pelvic Pain Program

Program Description

Chronic Pelvic Pain (CPP) occurs in 20% of women of reproductive age and has a devastating impact on patients personal and professional lives. The goal of the clinic is to provide access to care for female, male and transgendered patients that will increase patient self-acceptance and self-efficacy in managing their chronic pelvic pain. The program boasts a 7-week interdisciplinary program delivered by physiotherapy and psychology. The Pelvic Health Group is a holistic approach to pelvic health that includes elements of emotional support, education and mindfulness exercises with the aim to increase physical awareness, strengthen emotional resources and cultivate attitudes of compassion and acceptance. The group topics include pain science in the context of pelvic pain, managing emotions, nutrition, sleep and cognition, treating oneself and one's body with compassion, managing triggers and flares, exercise and pacing, sexual health and intimacy. Each session ends with mindfulness practice or mindful movement. Participants will develop skills to improve self-management based on an approach using values and goal-setting. 

Lead Physician(s)


Dr. Tania Di Renna                                               Dr. Philip Peng

Dr. David Flamer

Dr. Nucelio Lemos

Referral Information